Hello Knight Online Players,

We want to get your feedback on an idea we have for a new server. We need to know if this is something that you would be interested in.

A few months ago we started tossing around the idea of opening a new server that required certain criteria to be met before an account would be eligible to access this server. So this is the idea:

1) Only accounts that are at least 6 months old are eligible
2) Only accounts that are in good standing(never been banned) would be eligible

So why would we do this? We have been in constant contact with our developers to work on the hacking situation. While we have made progress, the honest truth(as you all know) is that 3rd Party Tools are still out there. Gold farming is still out there. Bug abusers are still out there. Wall hackers are still out there. Etc...

Our developers have done great work with new defense methods such as the APR. Thanks to Mgame, hacks such as GodMode and Debuffing have been corrected. We want to go one step further though.

The benefits of this server would be great. If an account is not at least 6 months old, the account is not eligible. This means that if a cheater is banned... the cheater is gone. The quickest that cheater could come back would be 6 months. Also, Gold Farmers would not be able to interrupt your gameplay experience. The Gold Farmers will not have the ability to register thousands of new accounts and jump right into the new server.

So with all that said, let me say the following:

If we released a server of this type, would it be 100% cheat free? No. There will always be those who are tempted to cheat. Especially when the server first launches(if it launches) there will be those who slip through the *****s. But once we find these people who are intent on cheating and weed them out , they are gone and cannot immediately register and come back.

So give us your feedback, good or bad, about launching a new server with this ruleset. Also, if you have other ideas that we would incorporate into this server, please feel free to leave them here.


ARkadaşlar yazı çok uzun anladıgım kadarı ile söle diyor hilecilere karşı yeni bir sunucu açılacak ve bu sunucuya hesabı en az 6 aylık olan insanlar girebilecek yani bir hileci banlanırsa 6 ay beklemek zorunda kalabilecek yeni bir server gelecek bu noktaya dikkat edin biz Mgame ile olan çalışmalarımız ile Debuff hack ve ölümsüzlük gibi sorunları ortadan kaldırdık ve bir adım daha ileri gitmek istiyoruz bu yüzden sizlere böle bir fikir öneriyorum bu konu hakkındaki yorumlarını almak isterim falan demiş haber tamamen resmidir işte link

Ayrıca bu servera daha önce banlanmamış olanlar erişebilecek hesabı tamamen legal ve 6 aylık olanlar

Ve galiba Nisan ayı ile ilgili bir çalışma yapmışlar savunma sistemi diyor duvar hackerlar bugcular 3. bir pt programı ynai hile programı kullanan herkese karşı bir çalışmaları varmışi ve tüm bunların farkında olduklarını söylemişler


İngilizcesi iyi olan tüm arkadaşların fikirlerini yazmasını isterim önemli bir noktayı çevirmemiş isem söyleyin ekleyeyim hemen teşşekürler